All functions |
Wrapper for DESeq2 workflow |
RNA Filter Object |
Identify All Biomolecules for Use in Normalization |
Identifies biomolecules to be filtered in preparation for IMD-ANOVA. |
Tests for a quantiative difference between groups (aka factors, aka main effects) |
Apply a S3 filter object to a pmartR S3 object |
Create pmartR Object of Class isobaricpepData |
Create pmartR Object of Class lipidData |
Create pmartR Object of Class metabData |
Create a `multiData` object from multiple omicsData objects |
Create pmartR Object of Class nmrData |
Create pmartR Object of Class pepData |
Create pmartR Object of Class proData |
Create pmartR Object of Class seqData |
Generate an object from omicsData and/or statRes objects to pass to trelliscope building functions |
Generate an object from edata to pass to trelliscope building functions |
Runs BP-Quant |
bpquant_mod function |
Combines two omicsData objects with identical sample information. |
Combine technical replicates of an omicsData object |
Identify biomolecules with no missing values across samples |
Compute Correlation matrix of biomolecule data |
Returns data frame with comparisons to be made |
Custom Filter Object |
Creates custom sample names to be used in plots |
Pooled Coefficient of Variation (CV) Filter Object |
Differential Expression for seqData |
Reduce Dimension of Data for Exploratory Data Analysis |
Diagnostic plot for seqData |
Test if a file is an edata file |
Replace Values Equal to x with y |
Creates a list of six Data Frames, one for each summarizing metric |
Apply a Transformation to the Data |
Wrapper for edgeR workflow |
Basic survival analysis function |
DEPRECATED: Fetch the check.names attribute |
Return comparisons of statRes object |
Return data_class of statRes or trelliData object |
Fetch the data_info attribute |
Fetch the normalization status of the data |
Fetch the current data scale |
Fetch the original data scale |
Fetch the e_data column name |
Fetch the e_meta column name |
Fetch the f_data column name |
Extracts the types of filters that have been applied. This function will be used at the beginning of the applyFilt function to give a warning if the same type of filter has already been applied. |
Fetch the filters attribute |
Fetch the group_DF attribute |
Get formula for group design |
Get group table |
Fetch the isobaric_info attribute |
Fetch the isobaric normalization info |
Compute the least squares means from a prediction grid and estimated coefficients |
Fetch the meta_info attribute |
Fetch the nmr_info attribute |
Fetch the NMR normalization info |
Build the prediction grid to compute least squares means. |
Gets the parameters for the highest ranked methods from spans. |
Group comparisons for the anova test |
Group comparisons for the g-test |
Creates Attribute of omicsData Object for Group Membership |
Identifies biomolecules to be filtered out in preparation for IMD-ANOVA. |
Test for a qualitative and quantitative difference between groups using IMD and ANOVA, respectively |
Tests for the independence of missing data across groups (aka factors, aka main effects) |
IMD-ANOVA Filter Object |
Identify Biomolecules from the Top L Order Statistics for Use in Normalization |
Median Absolute Deviation Transformation |
Mean Center Transformation |
Median Center Transformation |
Creates an object of class naRes (NA Result) |
Molecule Filter Object |
Computes the Number of Non-Missing Data Points by Group |
Test the location and scale parameters from a normalization procedure |
Calculate Normalization Parameters and Apply Global Normalization |
Normalize e_data within SPANS |
Examine and Apply Isobaric Normalization |
Loess Normalization |
Normalize an Object of Class nmrData |
Quantile Normalization |
Scale from zero to one |
Adjust p-values for multiple comparisons |
Plot RNAFilt Object |
Plot SPANSRes Object |
Plot corRes Object |
Plot customFilt Object |
Plot cvFilt Object |
Plot dataRes object |
Plot dimRes Object |
Plot imdanovaFilt Object |
Plot isobaricnormRes object |
Plot isobaricpepData Object |
Plot lipidData Object |
Plot metabData Object |
Plot moleculeFilt Object |
Plot naRes Object |
Plot nmrData Object |
Plot nmrnormRes Object |
Plot normRes Object |
Plot pepData Object |
Plot proData Object |
Plot proteomicsFilt Object |
Plot rmdFilt Object |
Plot seqData Object |
Plot totalCountFilt Object |
Plot statRes Object |
Basic survival analysis plot |
Panomics Marketplace - Quality Control and Statistical Analysis for Panomics Data |
Remove items that need to be filtered out |
Identify Biomolecules from the Proportion Present (PPP) for Use in Normalization |
Identify Proportion of Peptides Present (PPP) and Rank Invariant Peptides (RIP) for Use in Normalization |
Protein Quantitation using Mean or Median Peptide Abundances |
Create a Melted and Grouped Version of e_data for IMD_ANOVA filter |
Extract flag columns from a statRes object |
print.RNAFilt |
print.customFilt |
print.cvFilt |
print.dataRes |
print.imdanovaFilt |
print.lipidData |
print.metabData |
print.moleculeFilt |
print.normRes |
print.pepData |
print.proData |
print.proteomicsFilt |
print.rmdFilt |
print.seqData |
print.totalCountFilt |
RNA Filter Print Method |
Custom Filter Print Method |
CV Filter Print Method |
IMD-ANOVA Filter Print Method |
Molecule Filter Print Method |
Proteomics Filter Print Method |
RMD Filter Print Method |
Total Count Filter Print Method |
Protein Quantification |
Proteomics Filter Object |
Applies qrollup function |
Replace NA with 0 |
Replace 0 with NA |
Creates a data frame displaying multiple metrics |
Identify Rank-Invariant Biomolcules for Use in Normalization |
Conversion between log2(RMD) and p-value |
Robust Mahalanobis Distance (RMD) Filter Object |
Applies rrollup function |
Calculate the Mean Correlation of a Sample with Respect to Group |
Calculate the Kurtosis of Sample Runs |
Calculate the Median Absolute Deviance (MAD) of Sample Runs |
Calculate the Fraction of Missing Data of Sample Runs |
Calculate the Skewness of Sample Runs |
DEPRECATED: Set check.names attribute of omicsData object |
Creates the list of median p-values used to make the background distribution used to compute the SPANS score in step 2. |
Calculate SPANS Score for a Number of Normalization Methods |
Summary of statRes Object |
Function to take raw output of `imd_anova` and create output for `statRes` object |
Summary for isobaricnormRes Object |
Summary of nmrnormRes Object |
Produce a basic summary of a pmartR omicsData S3 Object |
Summary of pmartR Analysis Functions |
Summarizes potential plotting options for a trelliData object |
RNA Filter Summary |
Custom Filter Summary |
Coefficient of Variation (CV) Filter Summary |
IMD-ANOVA Filter Summary |
Molecule Filter Summary |
Proteomics Filter Summary |
RMD Filter Summary |
Total Count Filter Summary |
Basic survival analysis summary |
Create a "surv_DF" attribute so that survival analysis can be implemented. |
Compute pairwise differences |
Total Count Filter Object |
Boxplot trelliscope building function for abundance data |
Heatmap trelliscope building function for abundance data |
Histogram trelliscope building function for abundance data |
Bar chart trelliscope building function for fold_change |
Boxplot trelliscope building function for fold_changes |
Heatmap trelliscope building function for fold_change |
Volcano trelliscope building function for fold_change |
Bar chart trelliscope building function for missing data |
Set the "panel_by" variable for a trelliData object |
Performs initial checks for trelliData objects |
Filter a paneled trelliData object by a p-value |
Boxplot trelliscope building function for RNA-seq data |
Heatmap trelliscope building function for RNA-seq data |
Histogram trelliscope building function for RNA-Seq data |
Bar chart trelliscope building function for Non-Zero counts in RNA-seq data |
Replace x with y for a single vector |
Wrapper for limma-voom workflow |
Zero to One scaling |
Applies zrollup function |
Z-Score Transformation |