This function takes in an omicsData object, and outputs a list of two data frames, one containing the number of missing values by sample, and the other containing the number of missing values by molecule




an object of class "pepData", "proData", "metabData", "lipidData", "nmrData", or "seqData", created by as.pepData, as.proData, as.metabData, as.lipidData, as.nmrData, or as.seqData, respectively.


S3 object of class naRes, which is a list of two data frames, one containing the number of missing values per sample, and the other containing the number of missing values per molecule. For count data, zeroes represent missing values; for abundance data, NA's represent missing values. This object can be used with 'plot' and 'summary' methods to examine the missing values in the dataset.


result1 = missingval_result(omicsData = lipid_neg_object)
result2 = missingval_result(omicsData = metab_object)