Re-scales the data to be between 0 and 1

zero_one_scale(e_data, edata_id)



e_data a \(p \times n + 1\) data.frame, where \(p\) is the number of peptides, lipids, or metabolites and \(n\) is the number of samples. Each row corresponds to data for a peptide, protein, lipid, or metabolite, with one column giving the biomolecule identifier name.


character string indicating the name of the peptide, protein, lipid, or metabolite identifier. Usually obtained by calling attr(omicsData, "cnames")$edata_cname.


List containing two elements: norm_params is list with two elements:

scaleRange of each sample used in scaling

backtransform_params is a list with two elements:


The transformed data is returned as a third list item.


The sample-wise minimum of the features is subtracted from each feature in e_data, then divided by the difference between the sample-wise minimum and maximum of the features to get the normalized data. The location estimates are not applicable for this data and the function returns a NULL list element as a placeholder. The scale estimates are the sample-wise feature ranges. All NA values are replcaed with zero.


Lisa Bramer, Kelly Stratton, Rachel Richardson