Combines two omicsData objects with identical sample information.

  retain_groups = FALSE,
  retain_filters = FALSE,
  drop_duplicate_emeta = TRUE,



omicsData object of the same supported type as obj_2, currently "lipidData". See details for more requirements.


omicsData object of the same supported type as obj_1, currently "lipidData". See details for more requirements.


logical indicator of whether to attempt to apply existing group information to the new object. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to retain filter information in the new object (defaults to FALSE).


a logical indicator of whether duplicate molecule identifiers in e_meta should be dropped


Extra arguments, not one of 'omicsData', 'main_effects', or 'covariates' to be passed to `pmartR::group_designation`.


An object of the same type as the two input objects, with their combined data.


General requirements:

* sample names: These must be identical for both objects (column names of e_data, and sample identifiers in f_data) * data attributes: Objects must be on the same scale and both be either normalized or unnormalized * group designation: Objects must have the same grouping structure if retain_groups = T



obj_1 <- lipid_neg_object
obj_2 <- lipid_pos_object

# de-duplicate any duplicate edata identifiers
all(obj_2$e_data[, get_edata_cname(obj_2)] == obj_2$e_meta[, get_edata_cname(obj_2)])
obj_2$e_data[, get_edata_cname(obj_2)] <- paste0("obj_2_", obj_2$e_data[, get_edata_cname(obj_2)])
obj_2$e_meta[, get_edata_cname(obj_2)] <- obj_2$e_data[, get_edata_cname(obj_2)]

combine_object <- combine_lipidData(obj_1 = obj_1, obj_2 = obj_2)

# preprocess and group the data and keep filters/grouping structure

obj_1 <- edata_transform(omicsData = obj_1, data_scale = "log2")
obj_1 <- normalize_global(omicsData = obj_1, subset_fn = "all",
                          norm_fn = "median", apply_norm = TRUE)
obj_2 <- edata_transform(omicsData = obj_2, data_scale = "log2")
obj_2 <- normalize_global(omicsData = obj_2, subset_fn = "all",
                          norm_fn = "median", apply_norm = TRUE)

obj_1 <- group_designation(omicsData = obj_1, main_effects = "Virus")
obj_2 <- group_designation(omicsData = obj_2, main_effects = "Virus")

obj_1 <- applyFilt(filter_object = molecule_filter(omicsData = obj_1),
                   omicsData = obj_1, min_num = 2)
obj_2 <- applyFilt(filter_object = cv_filter(omicsData = obj_2), obj_2, cv_thresh = 60)

combine_object_later <- combine_lipidData(
                          obj_1 = obj_1,
                          obj_2 = obj_2,
                          retain_groups = TRUE,
                          retain_filters = TRUE