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The R package malbacR is a new package that deals with batch correction methods of small molecule omics data. It works in conjunction with pmartR, an R package designed for preprocessing, filtering, and analyzing multi-omics data (Stratton et al. 2019; Degnan et al. 2023).

This outline demonstrates the functionality and use of the malbacR package. Within this package, there are four data sets: pmart_amide, pmart_amideFilt,pmart_mix, and pmart_mixFilt. The first two objects contain data originally found in the package WaveICA2.0 (Deng and Li 2022). The second two objects contain data originally found in the package crmn (Redestig et al. 2009). The data sets with the suffix “Filt” are filtered versions of the original data sets. That is, unlike their non-filtered counterparts, these data objects require no additional data manipulation for batch correction to successfully run. For this example, we work with the unfiltered data sets to demonstrate how pmartR works with in tandem with malbacR.

Within malbacR there are 12 batch correction methods:

  1. Range Scaling (Berg et al. 2006)
  2. Power Scaling (Berg et al. 2006)
  3. Pareto Scaling (Berg et al. 2006)
  4. ComBat (Müller et al. 2016)
  5. EigenMS (Karpievitch et al. 2014)
  6. NOMIS (Sysi-Aho et al. 2007)
  7. RUV-random (De Livera et al. 2015)
  8. QC-RLSC (Dunn et al. 2011)
  9. WaveICA2.0 (Deng et al. 2019)
  10. TIGER (Han et al. 2022)
  11. SERRF (Fan et al. 2019)
  12. QC-RFSC (Luan et al. 2018)

First we load in the necessary libraries which is the malbacR package itself and pmartR (Degnan et al. 2023) which malbacR works with compatibly. Additionally, ggplot2 is loaded for some slight graphical manipulations.

Data Set 1: Amide Data

The first data set in malbacR, pmart_amide, is the Amide data set originally found in the package WaveICA2.0 (Deng and Li 2022). This metabolomics data set was ran in three batches. In this random subset of the Amide data, there are 500 molecules and 642 samples. This data set contains information about the samples regarding batch, group, Quality Control (QC) samples, and injection order. Using this information, we can run batch correction on the data using the following methods: range scaling (Berg et al. 2006), power scaling (Berg et al. 2006), pareto scaling (Berg et al. 2006), ComBat (Müller et al. 2016), EigenMS (Karpievitch et al. 2014), QC-RLSC (Dunn et al. 2011), TIGER (Han et al. 2022), and WaveICA2.0 (Deng et al. 2019). As there is no e_meta information for negative controls or internal standards, NOMIS (Sysi-Aho et al. 2007) and RUV-random (De Livera et al. 2015) cannot be run.

Load in the Data

A pmartR friendly version of the Amide data is already implemented within malbacR. Therefore, we simply need to load the data.


Before running batch correction, we run some pre-processing steps. First we specify the group designation of the data with group as the main_effects and batch as the batch_id.

Next, we create a version of the data that has been log2 transformed, as some methods (but not all methods) require the data to be on a log scale. Additionally, we create a normalized version of the data using a global median. All of this is done using the functions group_designation, edata_transform, and normalize_global respectively within pmartR (Degnan et al. 2023).

pmart_amide <- group_designation(pmart_amide,main_effects = "group",batch_id = "batch")
pmart_amide_log <- edata_transform(pmart_amide,"log2")
pmart_amide_norm <- normalize_global(pmart_amide_log,subset_fn = "all",norm_fn = "median",
                                apply_norm = TRUE,backtransform = TRUE)

Run Batch Correction Methods

Scaling Methods

To correct for batch effects using range, power, and pareto scaling, we use the functions bc_range, bc_power, and bc_pareto respectively. All three of these functions simply simply take the parameter omicsData which is the S3 data object that is compatible within pmartR.

These scaling methods are ran using log2 abundance values that have not been normalized.

# range scaling
amide_range <- bc_range(omicsData = pmart_amide_log)

# power scaling
amide_power <- bc_power(omicsData = pmart_amide_log)

# pareto scaling
amide_pareto <- bc_pareto(omicsData = pmart_amide_log)
QC-Based Methods

Some batch correction methods rely on Quality Control (QC) samples including TIGER, QC-RLSC, QC-RFSC and SERRF. To run TIGER (Technical variation elImination with ensemble learninG architEctuRe) (Han et al. 2022), we run the function bc_tiger and use the following parameters: omicsData, sampletype_cname (a column in f_data that specifies which sample is QC sample or not), test_val (the value in sampletype_cname that specifies a QC sample), injection_cname (the column in f_data that specifies the injection order), and group_cname (the column in the f_data that specifies the groups that are used for statistical analyses).

TIGER requires that there be at least one sample from the QC samples to have complete data for every molecule and at least one sample from the non-QC samples to have complete data from every molecule (Han et al. 2022). For this reason, we include a function, tiger_filter, that finds the combination of a QC sample and a non-QC sample that has the the fewest number of missing molecules to determine which molecules need to be removed. Using an additional function apply_tigerFilt, we apply that filter and obtain an S3 object that is capable of working within both pmartR and malbacR. Although this subset of data is already capable of undergoing TIGER batch correction as there is at least one QC sample and at least one non-QC sample with no missing values, we show how these functions would work in general.

TIGER is ran on raw abundance values. After running batch correction, we transform the data to a log2 scale.

tigerFilt <- tiger_filter(pmart_amide,sampletype_cname = "group",test_val = "QC")
pmart_amideFilt <- apply_tigerFilt(tigerFilt,pmart_amide)
amide_tiger_abundance <- bc_tiger(omicsData = pmart_amideFilt,sampletype_cname = "group",
                        test_val = "QC",injection_cname = "Injection_order",group_cname = "group")
amide_tiger <- edata_transform(omicsData = amide_tiger_abundance, data_scale = "log2")

QC-RLSC (Quality Control - Robust Loess Signal Correction) (Dunn et al. 2011) can be ran using bc_qcrlsc which takes on the parameters omicsData, block_cname (a column in f_data that specifies which column contains batch information), qc_cname (a column in in f_data that specifies which sample is a QC sample or not), qc_val (the value in qc_cname that specifies a QC sample), and order_cname (a column in f_data that specifies the run order of the samples). Additionally, the user can specify the missing_thresh (the minimum proportion of observed biomolecules for each QC samples), the rsd_thresh, and whether the user wants to backtransform the data or not. Further, users can specify whether they would like to retain the QC samples in their final output by specifying keep_qc to be TRUE or FALSE.

QC-RLSC is ran on log2 abundance values that have not been normalized.

amide_qcrlsc <- bc_qcrlsc(omicsData = pmart_amide_log,block_cname = "batch",
                          qc_cname = "group", qc_val = "QC", order_cname = "Injection_order",
                          missing_thresh = 0.5, rsd_thresh = 0.3, backtransform  = FALSE,keep_qc = FALSE)

The next QC method in malbacR is SERRF (Systematic Error Removal using Random Forest) (Fan et al. 2019) which uses the function bc_serrf. This function utilizes the parameters omicsData, sampletype_cname, test_val, and group_cname which have the same meanings as those within bc_tiger.

One thing to note that SERRF is a method that requires complete observations (Fan et al. 2019). This means we either have to remove molecules with missing values or impute them using an Expectation Maximization algorithm. Although there are reasons to avoid imputation particularly with proteomics data (B.-J. Webb-Robertson et al. 2011), we acknowledge that there are cases in which imputation is necessary. Therefore, we include an imputation function that returns the e_data that has undergone imputation. To then officially apply this to the pmartR S3 object, the user runs apply_imputation, similar to the procedure of tiger_filter and apply_tigerFilt.

It is important to note that while SERRF is ran on raw abundance values, imputation is conducted on log2 data. Therefore, users must impute the data using log2 data. Once imputed, users can return to a raw abundance value to run batch correction. After running batch correction, we log2 transform the data again.

impObj <- imputation(omicsData = pmart_amide_log)
amide_imp_log <- apply_imputation(impObj,pmart_amide_log)
amide_imp_raw <- edata_transform(amide_imp_log,"abundance")
amide_serrf_abundance <- bc_serrf(omicsData = amide_imp_raw,sampletype_cname = "group",test_val = "QC",group_cname = "group")
amide_serrf <- edata_transform(omicsData = amide_serrf_abundance,data_scale = "log2")

The final QC method in malbacR is QC-RFSC (Quality Control - Random Forest Signal Correction) (Luan et al. 2018) can be ran using bc_qcrfsc which takes on the parameters. QC-RFSC has the following the arguments omicsData, qc_cname, qc_val, keep_qc and Injection_order which has the same meaning as the arguments from QC-RLSC. Additionally, QC-RFSC requires group_cname and ntree (the number of trees to be created when running random forest).

Similar to SERRF, QC-RFSC requires complete observations, but is ran on raw abundance values (Luan et al. 2018). As with SERRF, we log2 transform the data, impute the data, transform back to raw abundance values and then run QC-RFSC. To compare results, it is suggested that users then convert data back to log2 scale after batch correction.

amide_qcrfsc_abundance <- bc_qcrfsc(omicsData = amide_imp_raw,qc_cname = "group",qc_val = "QC",
                                    order_cname = "Injection_order",group_cname = "group",
                                    ntree = 500, keep_qc = FALSE)
amide_qcrfsc <- edata_transform(omicsData = amide_qcrfsc_abundance,data_scale = "log2")
Other Methods

There are other methods that do not utilize a scaling approach or use QC samples. One method is ComBat which relies on an Empirical Bayesian analysis (Müller et al. 2016). ComBat can be ran using bc_combat taking on the parameter omicsData. However, for this function to run, the user must have normalized the data using normalize_global and added a batch ID using group_designation within pmartR. Further, there is an optional parameter use_groups that defaults to FALSE. If set to TRUE, ComBat will run using both batch and group information rather than just batch information.

ComBat is ran on log2 transformed data that has also been normalized.

# combat batch correction
amide_combat <- bc_combat(omicsData = pmart_amide_norm, use_groups = FALSE)

EigenMS uses the function bc_eigenMS and takes the parameter omicsData. While this is the only parameter, it is also required that the the S3 object has undergone group designation using the function group_designation in pmartR. However, only a main_effects for the group information needs to be addressed and no batch_id is necessary. This is in contrast with bc_combat which requires batch_id.

EigenMS is ran on data that has been log2 transformed, but has not been normalized.

amide_eigen <- bc_eigenMS(omicsData = pmart_amide_log)

The final method we demonstrate using the “Amide” data is WaveICA which uses the function bc_waveica. Within this function users can either run WaveICA or WaveICA2.0 by specifying the parameter version to be either “WaveICA” or “WaveICA2.0”. The default is “WaveICA”.

For WaveICA, users need to specify the following parameters: omicsData, batch_cname (column of f_data with the batch information), as well as alpha (a tradeoff value between independence of the samples and those of the variables in ICA), cutoff_batch (threshold of variation explained by the batch for independent components), cutoff_group (threshold of variation explained by the groups for independent components), and K (the maximal component that ICA decomposes). The defaults for alpha, cutoff_injection, K, cutoff_batch, and cutoff_group are 0, 10, 0.05, and 0.05 respectively.

For WaveICA2.0, users will use the same parameters with the exception of specifying the injection_cname (column of f_data with the injection order information) rather than the batch_cname. Additionally, users will specify the cutoff_injection (threshold of variation explained by the injection order for independent components) rather than the cutoff_batch and cutoff_groups values.

Like SERRF and QC-RFSC, WaveICA and WaveICA2.0 requires both complete observations and raw abundance values (Deng et al. 2019). Therefore, we use the imputed data set that has already been created and follow a similar procedure of log2 transforming the data to impute the data, converting back to raw abundance values to run batch correction. After batch correction, we log2 transform the data back again.

It is noted that WaveICA can yield negative raw abundance values. When converting to a log2 scale, these values will become NA and may impact downstream analyses. Users can choose to specify negative_to_na to be TRUE and all abundance values that are negative will be returned as NA.

amide_wave_abundance <- bc_waveica(omicsData = amide_imp_raw, batch_cname = "batch",
                         version = "WaveICA2.0",
                         injection_cname = "Injection_order",alpha = 0,
                         cutoff_injection = 0.1, K = 10,
                         negative_to_na = TRUE)
amide_wave <- edata_transform(omicsData = amide_wave_abundance, data_scale = "log2")

Amide: Data Visualization

After obtaining all the different batch corrected data sets, we can plot the PPCA (B.-J. M. Webb-Robertson et al. 2013) to see if they are successfully returning batch corrected data. We set the group_designation to use our batch information as the main_effects so as to color the data by batch. All of this code is run using functions from pmartR demonstrating the utility between the two packages. A data set with batch effects will tend to produce a PPCA with distinct clusters for each batch. A good batch effect correction method will reduce those distinct clusters. Using that logic, ComBat, EigenMS, WaveICA2.0, and SERRF perform the best within this data set.

p1 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = pmart_amide_log),omicsData = pmart_amide,color_by = "batch") + labs(title = "Amide: Unadjusted")
p2 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = amide_range),omicsData = amide_range,color_by = "batch") + labs(title = "Amide: Range")
p3 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = amide_power),omicsData = amide_power,color_by = "batch") + labs(title = "Amide: Power")
p4 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = amide_pareto),omicsData = amide_pareto,color_by = "batch") + labs(title = "Amide: Pareto")
p5 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = amide_tiger),omicsData = amide_tiger,color_by = "batch") + labs(title = "Amide: TIGER")
p6 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = amide_qcrlsc),omicsData = amide_qcrlsc,color_by = "batch") + labs(title = "Amide: QC-RLSC")
p7 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = amide_combat),omicsData = amide_combat,color_by = "batch") + labs(title = "Amide: ComBat")
p8 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = amide_wave),omicsData = amide_wave,color_by = "batch") + labs(title = "Amide: WaveICA2.0")
p9 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = amide_serrf),omicsData = amide_serrf,color_by = "batch") + labs(title = "Amide: SERRF")
p10 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = amide_qcrfsc),omicsData = amide_qcrfsc,color_by = "batch") + labs(title = "Amide: QC-RFSC")
p11 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = amide_eigen),omicsData = amide_eigen,color_by = "batch") + labs(title = "Amide: EigenMS")


Data Set 2: Mix Data

We now proceed to the second data set. As not all experiments are designed in the same manner, some batch correction methods may not apply to every data set. pmart_mix is based off of the data set mix from the crmn package (Redestig et al. 2009). This metabolomics data set was ran in three batches. There are 46 molecules and 42 samples. This data set contains sample information regarding batch as well as molecule information regarding internal standards/negative controls.

Load in the Data

A pmartR friendly version of the mix data is already implemented within malbacR. Therefore, we simply need to load the data.


Before running batch correction, we set the group designation. As there is no group information, we specify the batch number BatchNum as both the main_effects effect and the batch_id as a workaround. Additionally, we create a log2 transformed version of the data as well as a normalized version of the data using global median centering. This data set has no missing values so imputation will not be necessary for any method.

pmart_mix <- group_designation(pmart_mix,main_effects = "BatchNum",batch_id = "BatchNum")
pmart_mix_log <- edata_transform(pmart_mix,"log2")
pmart_mix_norm <- normalize_global(pmart_mix_log,subset_fn = "all",norm_fn = "median",
                                apply_norm = TRUE,backtransform = TRUE)

Some methods that have already been demonstrated can be used with this data set as well such as range scaling, power scaling, pareto scaling, and ComBat. There are no QC samples in this data so QC-RLSC, QC-RFSC, TIGER, and SERRF cannot be ran. In addition, there is no injection order information which means that there is insufficient data to run WaveICA2.0. Further there is also no group information (as BatchNum was placed as main_effects only as a placeholder) and thus EigenMS should not be ran. Additionally, ComBat should be only be ran with batch information and not with group information.

Internal Standards/Negative Controls Methods

The two main batch correction methods for this data set are RUV-random and NOMIS. As the data is already complete, there is no need to run imputation. However it is important to note that these methods require complete observations Sysi-Aho et al. (2007). The first method that we use with the “mix” data set is RUV-random which utilizes the function bc_ruvRandom and takes the parameters omicsData, nc_cname (column in e_meta which has information on negative controls - here we use the tag for internal standards as negative control), nc_val (which is the value within nc_cname that is the negative control value), and k (the number of factors of unwanted variation)

RUV-random is ran on log2 transformed data that has not been normalized.

mix_ruv <- bc_ruvRandom(omicsData = pmart_mix_log, nc_cname = "tag",nc_val = "IS", k = 3)
## Warning: Using one column matrices in `filter()` was deprecated in dplyr 1.1.0.
##  Please use one dimensional logical vectors instead.
##  The deprecated feature was likely used in the malbacR package.
##   Please report the issue to the authors.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.

The other method that uses information found in e_meta is NOMIS which uses the function bc_nomis and takes the parameters omicsData, is_cname (column in e_meta which has the information on internal standards), is_val (the value within is_cname that is the value for internal standards) and num_pc (number of principal components for NOMIS to consider).

NOMIS is ran on raw abundance values. As there no missing values, data does not need to be imputed. However, if there were missing values, a similar procedure as to what was done with SERRF with the amide data, would be required.

mix_nomis_abundance <- bc_nomis(omicsData = pmart_mix, is_cname = "tag", is_val = "IS", num_pc = 2)
mix_nomis <- edata_transform(omicsData = mix_nomis_abundance, data_scale = "log2")
Other Methods

We also run applicable methods that were used in the “Amide” data set such as range scaling, pareto scaling, power scaling, and ComBat. Additionally, WaveICA can be ran (just not WaveICA2.0) as it relies on batch information rather than injection order.

mix_combat <- bc_combat(omicsData = pmart_mix_norm)
mix_range <- bc_range(omicsData = pmart_mix_log)
mix_pareto <- bc_pareto(omicsData = pmart_mix_log)
mix_power <- bc_power(omicsData = pmart_mix_log)
mix_waveica_abundance <- bc_waveica(omicsData = pmart_mix,batch_cname = "BatchNum",
                          version = "WaveICA",cutoff_batch = 0.05, cutoff_group = 0.05,
                          negative_to_na = TRUE)
## ######Decomposition 1 ########
## ######Decomposition 2 ########
## ######Decomposition 3 ########
## ######Decomposition 4 ########
## ######Decomposition 5 ########
## ######Decomposition 6 ########
## ######Decomposition 7 ########
## ######Decomposition 8 ########
## ######Decomposition 9 ########
## ######Decomposition 10 ########
## ######Decomposition 11 ########
## ######Decomposition 12 ########
## ######Decomposition 13 ########
## ######Decomposition 14 ########
## ######Decomposition 15 ########
## ######Decomposition 16 ########
## ######Decomposition 17 ########
## ######Decomposition 18 ########
## ######Decomposition 19 ########
## ######Decomposition 20 ########
## ######Decomposition 21 ########
## ######Decomposition 22 ########
## ######Decomposition 23 ########
## ######Decomposition 24 ########
## ######Decomposition 25 ########
## ######Decomposition 26 ########
## ######Decomposition 27 ########
## ######Decomposition 28 ########
## ######Decomposition 29 ########
## ######Decomposition 30 ########
## ######Decomposition 31 ########
## ######Decomposition 32 ########
## ######Decomposition 33 ########
## ######Decomposition 34 ########
## ######Decomposition 35 ########
## ######Decomposition 36 ########
## ######Decomposition 37 ########
## ######Decomposition 38 ########
## ######Decomposition 39 ########
## ######Decomposition 40 ########
## ######Decomposition 41 ########
## ######Decomposition 42 ########
## ######Decomposition 43 ########
## ######Decomposition 44 ########
## ######Decomposition 45 ########
## ######Decomposition 46 ########
## ######### ICA 1 #############
## [1] "Removing 2 components with P value less than 0.05"
## ######### ICA 2 #############
## [1] "Removing 20 components with P value less than 0.05"
## ######### ICA 3 #############
## [1] "Removing 17 components with P value less than 0.05"
## ######### ICA 4 #############
## [1] "Removing 1 components with P value less than 0.05"
## ######### ICA 5 #############
## [1] "Removing 13 components with P value less than 0.05"
## ######### ICA 6 #############
## [1] "Removing 12 components with P value less than 0.05"
## ######Reconstruction 1 ########
## ######Reconstruction 2 ########
## ######Reconstruction 3 ########
## ######Reconstruction 4 ########
## ######Reconstruction 5 ########
## ######Reconstruction 6 ########
## ######Reconstruction 7 ########
## ######Reconstruction 8 ########
## ######Reconstruction 9 ########
## ######Reconstruction 10 ########
## ######Reconstruction 11 ########
## ######Reconstruction 12 ########
## ######Reconstruction 13 ########
## ######Reconstruction 14 ########
## ######Reconstruction 15 ########
## ######Reconstruction 16 ########
## ######Reconstruction 17 ########
## ######Reconstruction 18 ########
## ######Reconstruction 19 ########
## ######Reconstruction 20 ########
## ######Reconstruction 21 ########
## ######Reconstruction 22 ########
## ######Reconstruction 23 ########
## ######Reconstruction 24 ########
## ######Reconstruction 25 ########
## ######Reconstruction 26 ########
## ######Reconstruction 27 ########
## ######Reconstruction 28 ########
## ######Reconstruction 29 ########
## ######Reconstruction 30 ########
## ######Reconstruction 31 ########
## ######Reconstruction 32 ########
## ######Reconstruction 33 ########
## ######Reconstruction 34 ########
## ######Reconstruction 35 ########
## ######Reconstruction 36 ########
## ######Reconstruction 37 ########
## ######Reconstruction 38 ########
## ######Reconstruction 39 ########
## ######Reconstruction 40 ########
## ######Reconstruction 41 ########
## ######Reconstruction 42 ########
## ######Reconstruction 43 ########
## ######Reconstruction 44 ########
## ######Reconstruction 45 ########
## ######Reconstruction 46 ########
## Warning in Ops.factor(left, right): '<' not meaningful for factors
mix_waveica <- edata_transform(omicsData = mix_waveica_abundance, data_scale = "log2")

Mix: Data Visualization

Similar to the previous data set, we can compare the PPCA plots between the unadjusted and adjusted data sets. Using the same qualitative logic as with the “Amide” data set, it appears that NOMIS, ComBat, and WaveICA performs well based on the PPCA clustering.

p1 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = pmart_mix_log),omicsData = pmart_mixFilt,color_by = "BatchNum") + labs(title = "Mix: Unadjusted")
p2 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = mix_ruv),omicsData = mix_ruv,color_by = "BatchNum") + labs(title = "Mix: ruv-Random")
p3 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = mix_nomis),omicsData = mix_nomis,color_by = "BatchNum") + labs(title = "Mix: NOMIS")
p4 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = mix_combat),omicsData = mix_combat,color_by = "BatchNum") + labs(title = "Mix: ComBat")
p5 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = mix_range),omicsData = mix_range,color_by = "BatchNum") + labs(title = "Mix: Range")
p6 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = mix_power),omicsData = mix_power,color_by = "BatchNum") + labs(title = "Mix: Power")
p7 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = mix_pareto),omicsData = mix_pareto,color_by = "BatchNum") + labs(title = "Mix: Pareto")
p8 <- plot(dim_reduction(omicsData = mix_waveica),omicsData = mix_pareto,color_by = "BatchNum") + labs(title = "Mix: WaveICA")



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